Energy consumption and affordability
The design of sustainable off-grid electricity supply solutions hinges on the accuracy of electricity consumption prediction and revenues estimation.
Rural electricity customers are grouped into three broad categories: households, enterprises (farm and non-farm) and community services. For each of these customer segments, we use the collected data to model appliance ownership likelihoods and associated electricity consumption trends.

Picture taken in Abuja, 2019
cc RLI

Picture taken in Abuja, 2019
cc RLI
The survey design will also enable us to link these models to heterogeneous wealth constraints and broader economic growth projections across the diverse regions of Nigeria, enabling later extrapolation across the country.
In parallel, we also examine wealth- and gender-bias influencing our modeling results through deliberation with local households on their basic household energy needs, leading to the bottom-up definition of ‘decent’ energy access standards.